Mole Creek Caves 岩洞及螢火蟲

Mole Creek Caves 岩洞及螢火蟲.塔斯曼尼亞自由行

(3 票)
【塔斯曼尼亞旅遊】 Mole Creek Caves其實由幾個巨型岩洞穴組成,而我們參觀的正是Marakoopa Cave的Great Cathedral and Glow-worms Tour。這個Mole Creek Cave其實就是一個水簾洞,是一個很壯觀的自然景像。

我們參加了由Launceston朗塞斯頓出發的Mole Creek Caves & Gourmet Food一天團(早上9時30至下午4時),第一站會先到Mole Creek Caves,由酒店pick up出發,車程約1小時。這個1-day tour已包Mole Creek Cave場費(約AUD 19),抵達後導遊替我們購票,時間剛剛好出發,每團約有20人,應該有人數限制,有人遲了到埗,都只可以參加下一個團。

Mole Creek Caves Mole Creek Caves

導賞團導遊是一個老伯伯,應該有70多歲,但仍然健步如飛,中氣十足。Mole Creek Cave內的溫度很低,約6-7度左右,要著足夠的衣服。導遊叮囑大家不要隨便在洞內拍照,要到指定的位置,在導遊的指示下才可以拍照,主要是避免燈光影響到洞內的小生物 - 螢火蟲。

Mole Creek Caves Mole Creek Caves

進入Mole Creek Cave的入口很窄,洞頂很底,要彎著身行,洞內有很微弱的燈光,但如果將燈光關掉,就會完全漆黑一片。導遊帶著我們上上落落,到達不同位置後,就會亮起較光的射燈,然後講解洞穴內不同現象的形成過程,大概都是長年累月水的流動,再配合crystallization而導致洞穴內的石頭變得奇形怪狀,有些從洞頂一支支尖銳的垂下,像怪獸的牙齒,有些從洞頂延伸到洞底,像椰樹的樹幹,有些就如蜂巢,有些是一個個半球體,表面如打磨般光滑,有點像棉花糖。

Mole Creek Caves Mole Creek Caves


Mole Creek Caves Mole Creek Caves

進入Mole Creek Cave最期待的,就是「幸會螢火蟲」。導遊帶領我們到達一個位置,抬頭看已經看到一點點的光,就是螢火蟲了,突然間導遊將洞內的燈全部關掉,洞穴頂的閃閃光就如繁星般多,超級漂亮。螢火蟲的光不是閃動的,而是慢慢變暗再變光。導遊說,螢火蟲是吃蚊的,他們會發光吸引蚊接近,然後捕食,所以螢火蟲越光,即代表牠越肚餓。

Mole Creek Caves Mole Creek Caves

除螢火蟲外,Marakoopa Cave內的主角正是上圖這個「Great Cathedral」。

整個Mole Creek Cave導賞團約一小時,出來的時候,Michael已經在等候,準備到下一站Melita Honey Farm了。

最後修改於 6月19日,2019
Mole Creek Caves 岩洞及螢火蟲.塔斯曼尼亞自由行
  • 旅遊景點: Mole Creek Caves / Marakoopa Cave
  • 開放時間: Underground Rivers and Glow-worms Tour (10 am, 12 noon and 2 pm daily, plus an additional 4.00 pm tour between 1 Oct – 31 May) Visit the lower chamber and be dazzled by its sparkling crystals, reflection pools, stalactites and stalagmites. Take time to listen to the music of underground streams and soak up the silence of abandoned river passages. This easy tour caters for all age groups and levels of fitness.

    Great Cathedral and Glow-worms Tour (11 am, 1 pm and 3 pm daily) The magnificent cavern known as the ‘Great Cathedral’ is a highlight not to be missed. The ‘Gardens’ feature delicate formations and beautiful colours. Medium fitness levels are required for this tour, to ascend the stairway to the ‘Great Cathedral’.

    King Solomons Cave Tours 11.30 am, 12.30 pm, 2.30 pm and 3.30 pm daily, plus additional tours at 10.30 am and 4.30 pm from 1 Dec – 30 Apr. This compact cave features lavish colours and formations, with sparkling calcite decorating the chambers. Suitable for all ages and levels of fitness. During the busy summer period it is advisable to arrive on site at least 30 minutes before the tour departure time to purchase your tickets to ensure your place within the tour group and get to the departure point on time.


Mole Creek Caves 岩洞及螢火蟲.塔斯曼尼亞自由行

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